Life Will Be What You Make It


Level 3 Certification (Must be level 2 certified)

  • CPR certified
  • First aid certified
  • Licensed Amateur Radio Operator – check for information or check your own local areas for what is available.
  • Last Will and Testament – for both parents – a living will / general power of attorney

Insurance: Natural Disaster policy – to cover floods, earthquake, and other “Acts of God”

Home generator for emergency situations and fuel to run it

Certification Level 3 Checklist

Item CompletedDate CompletedCheck
One family member CPR certified  
First Aid Certified  
One family member Amateur Radio Operator  
Create or update Will  
Living Will for both parents  
General Power of Attorney  
Insurance – “Acts of God” update to policies  
Financial Reserves of three months budgeted expenses  
Food Storage 1 year  
Toiletries 1 year  
1 month Water  
N95 Masks for family  
Safe Deposit Box or Home Safe  
Home Generator of some sort  
Emergency Cash Fund minimum $300 in small bills  
Done Ideas For One Year Self Reliance Checklist
 Learn survival skills
 Learn skills for barter or trade
 Garden seeds
 Water filtration system, osmosis, or distillation
 Grey water recycle system
 Rain water capture system
 52 weeks of food and supplies
 Solar oven
 Outdoor pizza oven and fuel
 Wood or coal burning stove and fuel
 Proper insulation and weather stripping installed
 Solar panels and battery pack set up
 Motion sensor lights inside the house and out
 Herbal and natural medical knowledge and supplies
 Good supply of first aid items
 Pain medications, cold medications, pandemic supplies
 Toilet paper for one year
 Cloth rags for cleaning
 Items to make homemade laundry soap, and a clothesline
 Supplies for home made cleaning supplies
 Outhouse and Lyme, or compost toilet
 Compost bin, recycle bins, burning barrels
 Solar shower set up
 Ham radio, solar power for phones and computers
 Paper and pen supplies, envelopes, etc
 Secure home and yard
 Self defence skills learned
 Boards cut and stored to cover windows for blackout and safety
 Out of debt, learn to live on less
 Skills for alternate ways to earn income or barter

Basic Long Term Storage – Per adult for one year

Grains: 400 lbs

Legumes: 60 lbs

Powdered Milk: 16 lbs

Cooking oil: 10 quarts

Sugar or honey: 60 lbs

Salt: 8 lbs

Water (2 weeks) 15 gallons and the means to purify more

Inventory Supplies

ItemOn HandHow many neededHow many to get

52 Weeks One Year supply for two people – see printable below for the week by week plan to attain this.

If this is followed, you will have on hand:

Soup – 48 cans

Toilet Paper – 104 rolls

Tomato Sauce – 72 cans

Canned Meat – 56 cans

Sugar / honey – 100 lbs

Crackers – 3 boxes

Salt – 16 lbs

Pasta – 160 lbs

Cooking Oil – 5 gallons

Laundry Soap – 10 months

Canned Fruit – 56 cans

Batteries – all assorted sizes

Canned Vegetables – 48 cans

Fruit Drink Mix – enough for 120 quarts

Bouillon – 12 months worth

Flour / Grains– 225 lbs

Beans / Legumes – 120 lbs

Seasonings – 12 months

Rolled Oats – 95 lbs

Duct Tape – assorted

Bleach – 6 gallons

Dish Soap – 9 months

Hand Sanitizer – assorted

Vinegar – 5 gallons

Knives / multi tools – assorted

Emergency Lighting – candles, glow sticks, etc

Jam – 12 jars

Peanut Butter – 15 jars

Comfort Foods – 12 months

Vitamins – 12 months

First Aid Supplies – good supply

Medicines – good supply

Toiletries – assorted for everything

Rice – 110 lbs

Baking Supplies – yeast, bkg pwd and soda

Water purification tablets

Shampoo and Conditioner – 6 months

Fire Extinguisher

Powdered Milk – 20 lbs

Special Dietary Foods

Pain Medications – 6 months

Kleenex / Paper Towels

Cleaning Supplies

Garbage bags, rubber gloves, etc

Tooth hygiene

Level 3 Certification Printable Here

Level 2 Printable and Post Here

Level 1 Printable and Post Here

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